Live eCourse on Innovation Management of EU Funded Research & Innovation Projects

eCourse on Innovation Management of European Funded Research and Innovation Projects



In this eCourse based on live recordings on Innovation Management of EU funded Research, you will master live on the concept and purpose of Innovation Management in European Research and in Innovation projects. This concept includes a whole spectrum of 10 different strategies for fulfilling the vision of any Research Project, i.e. to create impact and benefits to society and industry such as creating forefront knowledge, advancing growth and improving quality of life.

Extra Bonuses:

  1. Full access to all the recordings after the training for watching any points that you wish to master more
  2. Follow-up live Q&A  within a month after your participation for clarifying any issues or addressing any of your personal challenges in project managemet
  3. Certificate of successful attendance for all participants that participate live on the day that  course takes place watched all the videos based on the course logfiles

The learning objectives from this course are the following:

  • Think and act like an Innovator
  • Work in your daily habits based on the B.U.N.D.L.E.R.® toolkit
  • All your roles and tasks as Innovation Manager
  • Your roles and actions as Innovation Manager DURING the project funding period (before the contractual project end)
    • Techniques for structuring innovative ideas and solutions based on user feedback and on the Design Criteria Canvas
    • Designing a realistic Exploitation Strategy and prioritisation of your target groups
    • Predicting future market trends, implications and events based on scientific techniques and linking them with your R&I results
    • Ensuring Freedom To Operate and applying proper IPR strategies
    • Assessing the impact of your project with the Impact Action Plan 
    • Introducing and considering standards in your innovative project
    • How to introduce Social Innovation in your R&I project
  • Your roles and actions as Innovation Manager AFTER the project funding period (After the contractual project end)

    • Advancing policy recommendations from your R&I project  to Policy Makers and Advisors
    • Advancing the maturity level of your solution so that to penetrate markets or being usable by end-users
    • Developing realistic business strategies and
    • Create and maintain a competitive market advantage of your solution
  • What do Ambitious Project need and the key role of the Workpackage leader as Innovation Manager
  • As workpackage leader
    • Forced Connections Tehnique for creating a creative mindset
    • Which provocative questions (with an extensive list of examples) to ask within your team for advancing innovation
    • How to exploit your current innovations for creating new ones
    • How to deal and implement if needed crazy ideas
    • How to continually enhance your solution based on the +3 -3 technique
    • How to convert pains into gains
    • How to identify strategic partners for your innovation
    • How to turn the impossible into possible

The course structure consists of the following three modules:

  • Module 1: Think and Act like an Innovator based on the B.U.N.D.L.E.R® habits
  • Module 2: S.E.L.F.I.S.H. P.A.C.K.™: Strategies for Innovation Management (Use Case Validation, Dissemination & Exploitation, Market Analysis & Surveillance, Technology transfer incl. IPR, Impact Assessment, Standardisation, Policy Influence, Industrialisation/Commercialisation, Revenue Generation)
  • Module 3: Creativity Intelligence: Design & Creativity of breakthrough ideas

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Order summary

Live eCourse on Innovation Management of EU Funded Research & Innovation Projects

In this eCourse based on live recordings on on Innovation Management of EU funded Research and Innovation Projects and in one day, you will master the concept and purpose of Innovation Management in European Research and Innovation projects. This concept includes a whole spectrum of 10 different strategies for fulfilling the vision of any Research Project, i.e. to create impact and benefits to society and industry such as creating forefront knowledge, advancing growth and improving quality of life.

Extra Bonuses:

  1. Full access to all the recordings after the training for watching any points that you wish to master more
  2. Follow-up live Q&A  within a month after your participation for clarifying any issues or addressing any of your personal challenges in project managemet
  3. Certificate of successful attendance for all participants that participate live on the day that  course takes place watched all the videos based on the course logfiles

The course structure consists of the following modules:

  • Module 1: Think and Act like an Innovator based on the B.U.N.D.L.E.R® habits
  • Module 2: S.E.L.F.I.S.H. P.A.C.K.™: Strategies for Innovation Management (Use Case Validation, Dissemination & Exploitation, Market Analysis & Surveillance, Technology transfer incl. IPR, Impact Assessment, Standardisation, Policy Influence, Industrialisation/Commercialisation, Revenue Generation)
  • Module 3: Creativity Intelligence: Design & Creativity of breakthrough ideas

EUR 497
Total due EUR 497

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